In the year 1996 the members of Shree Shani Mahatma Pooja Samiti has formed and incorporated Charitable Trust, known as Shree Shani Mahatma Charitable Society with the clear objective of working towards growth of downtrodden below poverty people by promoting social, cultural and educational activities and also to promote universal brotherhood, unity and co-operation among the people in general. |
Over the years the trust has been actively involved in the following activities: • Scholarships and Free note book distribution to poor and needy students, including to the Night School Students. • Free Medical Camp and distribution of free medicines distribution. • Conducting Sports and other cultural activities. • Education Seminar and Health related Seminar to the needy people. • The trust has been serving the national interest on the occurrence of national calamities like earthquake, floods, famines etc. by extending the financial and other assistance. |
Society also arranges excursion to India’s famous and known religious places, for its members. Objective being to inculcate the culture and rituals followed in these places, among the members of Samiti and Charitable Society. Society has arranged excursion to following religious places. 1. Shirdi 2. Vaishno Devi temple in Jammu. 3. Titupati Balaji 4. Golden Temple, Amritsar. 5. Taj Mahal, Agra 6. Mahalakshmi Temple, Kolhapur. |
For more details, queries or suggestions, please feel free to contact us |